Mobile apps and platforms #1
Part 1: Develop mobile apps with a vision. We create engaging mobile applications with intelligent cloud solutions - leveraging our expertise in geo-fencing,...
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Mobile apps and platforms #2
Part 2: Mobile Commerce - towards the platform economy. The role of mobile commerce is growing steadily. People are connected with their mobile devices like...
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Blockchain and Smart Contracts
Blockchain, a bubble or a must have? Today many articles publish the use of blockchain for cryptocurrencies, storing transactions or keeping track of...
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Blockchain #2
Part 2: Education and knowledge is often measured with the training certificates and diplomas you can show during job interviews. But think about the many...
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Blockchain #3
Part 3: Blockchain is without a doubt one of the buzzwords of recent times. Just about every company is participating in blockchain projects, or looking to...
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Care professional or secretary
Do you recognize this situation: your organisation is using an EHR (Electronic Health Records), HIS (Hospital Information System) or other application for...
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Zorgverlener of secretaresse #2
Deel 2: Het huidige zorgaanbod is “erg aanbodgedreven”, het is tijd voor een omkering. Die conclusie trekt de Raad voor Volksgezondheid en Samenleving (RVS)....
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Revolution in Retail
A new shopping experience, bringing customers to your shop, is mandatory to survive in the current online era. But you may ask yourself, what is the winning...
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Revolution in Retail #2
Part 2: A ground breaking shopping experience, offering a seamless experience to your customers, breaking the barriers from online to offline and from in-shop...
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Revolution in Retail #3
Part 3: The large players in the current platform economy are without doubt Alibaba and Amazon. How does this affect you as customer or retailer? Should we...
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Revolution in Retail #4
Part 4: Scan to buy & Scan to pay. Ice House Netherlands has released the first step of its e-commerce concept Scan to buy, the first step being a mirror as a...
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